TotalEnergies Card opens access to any service station throughout Mozambique. More than one fuel card, TotalEnergies card was designed to meet the needs of drivers and fleet managers.

TotalEnergies Card has the following security levels: microchip that facilitates individual parameter of each card; confidentialPIN code; driver code when the card is used by variousdrivers and Tag device to recognize the card user.

TotalEnergies Card is designed to meet their needs. You can pre-define the products and authorized service for your card.TotalEnergies Card includes all products and services available in the TotalEnergies service stations and lets you have full control of their costs.

You can optimize the management of its fleet and make iteasy. TotalEnergies Card card allows to download a detailedstatement of its consumption and adopt a way to betterorganize their consumption.

You get a monitoring through detailed managementreports and warning indicators in abnormal use situations.